concert musée henner jardin hiver

Dimanche en Musique

September-december 2024
Musée Henner

Every Sunday at 4pm, the museum offers a musical break in the intimate setting of the winter garden. 

This varied programme is free with admission. 


On the programme: 

6 October 2024
Amériques’ concert with the Ensemble Paris de Vents.
Works by George Gershwin (Rhapsody in blue) and Astor Piazzolla (Milonga del Angel).

Paris de Vents is a chamber music ensemble led by professional musicians, specialists in the wind repertoire and guarantors of the highest artistic standards. Paris de Vents' ambition is to discover a repertoire that is rarely played and to explore new forms of concert that combine music with other artistic expressions. The ensemble performs in unusual and prestigious venues and collaborates with museums on concerts linked to their exhibitions. During the concerts, the works are presented and situated in the history of music, with commentary to make them more accessible to everyone.

20 October 2024
Chamber music concert with students from the Ecole normale de musique de Paris - Alfred Cortot. 


Gratuit, sur présentation du billet d'entrée 

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Story(ies) of a hundred years
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A new mediation offer for special audiences !